Avoiding Corporate Disaster: Lessons from the Biggest Strategic Failures
What 7 catastrophic mistakes can teach entrepreneurs
Adrien Book
Dec 11, 20229 min read

These 10 Cognitive Biases are stopping you from Innovating
Transformation is no easy task. Though we like to think of ourselves as rational creatures, we are far from it (economics be damned).
Adrien Book
Nov 10, 202111 min read

10 myths stopping you from starting your own business
Entrepreneurs tend to believe that the all the stars in the sky need to be aligned perfectly for their start-ups to succeed. Because of...
Adrien Book
Feb 16, 20216 min read

6 Problems with the Business Model Canvas
The “classical” canvas is not without its faults, which have to be taken into account when using this tool to innovate or create a business.
Adrien Book
Oct 28, 20206 min read

10 Steps to your very own Corporate Artificial Intelligence project
A non-technical guide for managers, leaders, thinkers and dreamers.
Adrien Book
Aug 14, 201910 min read